Easter's Lilly Read online

Page 37

  Dieguito finally spent the night in his own bedroom. When I woke the house was aromatic again with breakfast. I had definitely been blessed with men who cook. The FBI agents were eating the breakfast John had prepared. “Wow,” I said. “You are totally going to spoil me.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Watch it, John,” Miranda warned. “Max told me to keep an eye on you.” My phone rang and I looked at Miranda. She and Steve ran into place and she turned on some machine. “Make him think you’re worried about him,” she said. “Try to remain calm and do not tell him the baby isn’t his. That’s what is keeping you breathing.” She put a set of headphones on and pointed to me. “GO!” she directed. I picked up the phone.

  “Have you seen the news?” the voice asked. “I shot your lover.”

  “Are you all right, Diego?” I asked. I looked at Miranda with worry in my eyes about Max. She shook her head and motioned for me to keep going.

  “You don’t care if I’m all right,” he answered. “You’re worried about your boyfriend. My brother.”

  “I’ve been thinking about you,” I continued. “Can I do anything for you?” Miranda gave me a thumbs-up.

  “I wish you could have heard Max beg for mercy. Go ahead and turn on the TV?” Miranda motioned for John to turn the TV on and he did.

  “Maxwell Montiago, Lieutenant for the FBI was shot today by notorious gangster Diego Montiago, his half-brother. Maxwell is currently in critical condition. Jorge Montiago, also the half-brother of Maxwell is currently in custody. He was arrested by brother number four; Hector, also an agent for the FBI. Diego Montiago is still at large. Talk about brotherly love.”

  “It would be a shame for him to die right now, wouldn’t it? Never to see my new born baby?” Diego taunted.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “I’m sorry Lilly but he’s on his way to hell now.”

  “Diego, it isn’t worth it,” I said. I could feel my voice start to shake. I was so full of panic, which wasn’t my strong suit.

  “Sure it is,” he said. “I have to make sure Max is dead before I come and get you.” There was a short silence.

  “Why?” I asked. “Why can’t you just leave him alone?” I could feel my cool exterior start to slip.

  “Johnny is weak,” he went on. “But Max is strong. He won’t rest until he finds you. He must be eliminated. Then…” He paused. “Then I will come for you.” He hung up the phone.

  “NO! No this isn’t happening!” I shouted. “Max, critically injured. No, this can’t be happening.” I put my hands over my ears. I couldn’t breathe.

  “It’s not,” Miranda said. “It’s a ploy to lull Diego into false security. He was wearing a vest; he’s fine. He called last night.”

  “I want to talk to him,” I said. I was growing impatient with all this make-believe.

  “She dialed the phone and handed it to me right away this time.”

  “Max?” I asked.

  “I’m fine,” he said. “Just trying to throw him off the scent a little.”

  “How did he get away?” I asked.

  “Don’t you worry about the details. We got Satan,” he reminded me. “Now we just have to get Diego before he finds you,” he continued. “Is John behaving?” I paused. “I’ll kill that son-of-a-bitch if he touches you,” he scolded.

  “We’re fine,” I said. “We’ve got FBI everywhere, what could happen?”

  “I may come home, Lilly,” he finally said. “I have a bad feeling that he may have found you.”

  I was silent. Miranda grabbed the phone. “Sorry Max, but she’s just so worried.”

  “See you soon,” and she hung up the phone.

  “I’m going to check on the trace. It looks like…” she paused, “he’s here.”

  “What?” I asked. “Here?”

  “Stay put!” she ordered. “Lock the door behind me. I’m going next door.” The two of them left.

  “What’s happening?” I asked John.

  He quickly got up and reached for my hand. I pulled it away. “We’re running out of time,” he said. “Max will be back, probably tomorrow. Lilly, we’re finally alone.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I couldn’t believe him. I was thankful my son was so addicted to video games.

  “Just give me a chance,” he said. He pulled me close to him and grabbed my face. He looked at me hoping to see something. He was searching my eyes for the love he had hoped had been re-born. But he found nothing. Then he let me go. “You do love him, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I conceded. “I’m sorry Johnny, it’s just too late.”

  Just then I heard a gun cock. We both didn’t move for a second. I looked up and saw Diego at the back door. He was pointing his gun at me. “Give me your gun, John or I’ll spray the walls with her blood.” John took out his gun and handed it to him. “I told you he was weak,” Diego said to me. “Max has amazing instincts. He would have shot me dead for sure by now.”

  “Diego,” I said calmly. “How did you find us?”

  “I told you a long time ago that witness protection was for amateurs.” He motioned for me to get closer to him. “Max is dead,” he told me. “I had my… connection call the hospital. It looks like I killed your hero.” I knew I was supposed to look shocked and angry but I knew he was fine. “In shock, Lilly?” he asked. “He’s dead! You’re coming with me now and I’ll take care of you and the baby.” He paused for a minute. I could tell he was getting anxious. “It’ll be just like old times, except this time the baby is mine. Where is he? Go get him.” I stood there unable to move my legs. “Let’s go!” he yelled at me, shaking the gun. I guess I was being defiant by not crying and coming to him.

  “Go,” John said. “He’ll kill you, Lilly.”

  “No he won’t,” I argued. “Not until he has my baby.” He walked to me and shoved the gun into my temple. “I killed Olivia for less,” he shouted. “You will not be any harder to kill.” He grabbed my arm and pushed me down the steps that lead to the outside. There were only three steps and I fell down all of them and landed on the ground. My son came running outside, “Mommy, mommy…”

  “Go back inside, Dieguito!” I screamed.

  “My son,” Diego called. “Come to daddy.”

  “You are not my daddy!” he shouted. Diego’s face became enraged.

  “You told him?” Diego asked me. “You told him!” He was growing angrier by the minute.

  “Calm down,” I pleaded. “We can work this out.” I pulled my son towards me and crawled as far away from Diego as I could. We heard a loud BANG! Not a sound that was unfamiliar anymore but definitely not something you ever get used to. Diego hit the pavement and John ran outside and grabbed me. I turned around and Max was standing there with the smoking gun. Diego was not dead but he shot him in the thigh and his gun had flown out of his hands. John picked Diego’s gun up off of the ground and handed it to Max.

  “How did you know?” I asked.

  “Querida,” he paused and smiled, “I just knew.” Hector showed up behind him. I finally realized that it was almost over. Max ran to me and hugged me. “Baby girl!” He kissed me deeply.

  I could see Johnny out of my peripheral vision unfavorably watching us. “She kissed me, you know,” he said. Max pulled out his gun and pointed it at John. Hector came up behind him and grabbed it. “Not now, Max. Maybe later, but not now.” Max kissed me again. “You can tell me all about it later. Right now, I just want to feel you against me.”

  “Get a room,” Hector blurted. Max laughed.

  Miranda came up behind him. “Good job Miranda,” he said sarcastically. “Where the hell were you?” Hector was handcuffing Diego. Then he slapped handcuffs on Miranda and started reading her rights to her. We could hear an ambulance off in the distance.

  “Who’s the dirty cop in Arizona?” I asked.

  “Felix in Arizona,” Max answered reluctantly. “Miranda, right here with you.” I couldn’t believe h
ow the ones most trusted ended up being the bad guys.


  The Boyfriend?