Easter's Lilly Read online

Page 32

“You’re kidding, right?” I asked. “He’s not even five yet.”

  “He’s five in a few months,” Johnny said. “I’ve missed all this time.” He paused and took a long hard look at Max. “Come on Max, what would you do if you were in my position?”

  “I don’t want to make this decision for her,” he said. “I would never have let this happen, so I am probably not the best person to ask.”

  “I want to know Max,” I said. “Tell me what you think.”

  “I think you should tell him.” He calmly gazed at me with reassuring eyes. “He thinks his father is a monster. Take that burden from him. But John…” he turned his gaze onto Johnny, “you have to step up once he knows. I have raised that boy as though he was my own. You will need to see him, pay for him and spend time with him.”

  “I think it’s about time, don’t you?” he answered.

  “I don’t know,” I said.

  “Lilly,” Max reached for my hand and kissed it, “your son spent night after night listening to you cry after making love with the man he thinks is his father.” I looked at the floor ashamed at my weakness. “Don’t do that,” he said to me. He picked my chin up with his fingers. “I’m not blaming you. You had to do what you had to do to keep the both of you alive.” He pulled me onto his lap. “It’s time to tell him the truth. Diego will be either dead or in jail for a long, long time, very soon anyway.”

  “Fine,” I said. “We’ll tell him tomorrow.” Of course I was worried. John dropped me on Diego’s doorstep and never came back. What are the chances of him sticking around? However, he’s clean now and maybe things are different this time.

  “There is something else I have to do,” Max said. “I can’t believe I am going to have to do this, but…” He took a deep breath and reached into his back pocket. “Johnny is already Tom Smith.” Johnny laughed. “You are now Jane Smith and your son,” he paused again, “he is Tom Jr.”

  “Oh no!” I said. “You are going to make me his wife?”

  “Believe me, it sickens me to think of you married to yet again… another man who isn’t me.” He paced a little before handing me the identifications. “But you are pregnant and your son looks exactly like John. We have to be practical.”

  “Max,” I said, feeling defeated, “don’t leave me.”

  “I’m not leaving you,” he reassured me. “Listen up, John,” he said sternly. “She is only your wife in public. Don’t get carried away. You are still really married to Diana.”

  Johnny made a face. “I get it,” he said. “I touch her, you kill me. Pretty clear, Max.”

  “Good,” he said. “Lilly, it is just make-believe. Don’t get confused.” He returned me to his lap and we sat together a little longer.

  Then Hector showed up to take Max away. He looked good as new and I could tell that he and Max were anxious to get out of the house and find the escapees. We had a going away party for Max and Hector. As soon as the party was over Max came to me and whispered in my ear, “Do you want me to be here when you tell him?”

  “I’ll be fine,” I answered. He got up to leave and Hector assured him that he checked the car for explosives. Hector was an expert in this area: Finding things. I stood at the door as he was preparing to leave. Suddenly my heart started to race. I began to feel faint and nervous that he wasn’t coming back. Memories of his disappearance in Mexico filled my mind. Johnny’s first pretend death came rushing back like floodwater. He kissed my lips and headed out the door. I stood there, empty. Johnny was sitting on the couch with Dieguito behind me. Suddenly something came out of my mouth that I did not plan. It was a piercing scream. It curdled through the air as my knees began to buckle beneath me. “NO!!” was what I heard and I could hear John getting up from the couch to try to catch me before I hit the floor. Max came rushing back in the door and scooped me up like he had done a hundred times before.

  “Thanks John, but I’ve got this one.” He carried me to the couch and put me on his lap.

  “Mommy?” Dieguito called.

  “You know what?” John said. “Why don’t you go to your room for a little bit? Let Uncle Max take care of mommy, okay?”

  “He always does,” he answered, confidently and left us. John got up and went to the kitchen and I could hear the front door open. I could hear Hector ask Johnny what was keeping Max.

  “Lilly, what’s going on? You can tell daddy,” he said with his boyish smile.

  “What’s happening, Max?” I asked. “I don’t understand why you’re leaving me again. Did I do something?”

  “You know Max,” Hector interrupted. “I can take Miguel. You can stay here with her. Everyone thinks you’re dead, anyway. Why not stay dead?”

  “It’s getting harder and harder to tell our friends from our enemies. I can’t risk Miguel turning up dirty,” he answered. “Just give me a few minutes with her.”

  “Remember the last time?” he reminded him. “The gun to the head thing?”

  Max reached behind him and pulled his gun out of his pants and Hector walked over and gently took it from him. “Thanks,” Max said.

  “No problem.” Hector glanced at Johnny who seemed to be mortified by the whole situation.

  “What have we done to her?” Johnny asked Hector.

  I could hear Hector and John talking about me like I wasn’t in the room. “Let’s do a reality check for a minute, okay baby girl?” Max was holding me and trying to get me to look at him.

  “Okay,” I agreed.

  “Who’s that ugly guy in the kitchen with the pony tail?” I could see John make a face.

  “Johnny,” I answered, trying not to smile. “Why am I here with him?”

  “Take a deep breath, baby. Relax. You’re panicking.”

  “Why am I here with him?” I began to feel impatient. I could tell I was raising my voice.

  “We are here because John is in witness protection and you and your son are going to stay here with him.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Johnny is your ex-boyfriend,” he added. “You don’t sleep with him anymore.” I could hear both Hector and John chuckle at that comment.

  “I love how he keeps emphasizing that,” John said.

  “I sleep with you,” I said to Max. He smiled and kissed me.

  “Yes you do.” He smiled and kissed me again. “Who’s the other guy in the kitchen?”

  “Hector,” I said. “I like Hector.”

  “We’ve already established that,” Max answered. Hector and Johnny seemed to be once again amused.

  “Lilly, who is Dieguito’s real father?”

  “Diego,” I said. “No, wait… Johnny.”

  “Yes, it’s Johnny. You are still panicking,” he said. “Lilly, I love you. I will be back for you.”

  “Please, Max.” I grabbed his shirt with both hands and pulled at him. “I can’t live without you, I don’t think you understand.”

  “Of course I do,” he answered. He took my hands and gently unfastened them from his shirt. “Querida, you are my sun, my moon and my sky. There would be no reason for me to draw breath if you were not in my world.”

  “Oh brother,” I heard Johnny say. I saw Hector smack him in the back of the head. I giggled.

  “That’s why I like Hector,” I said.

  “One more time,” Max said. “Baby girl?”

  “Yes daddy,” I answered. He gave me a very big smile when I called him that. “Whose baby’s in there?” He put his hand on my stomach.

  “Yours,” I answered. The tears were pouring from my eyes. “Yours, thank God, it’s yours.”

  “What is your relationship with John?”

  “Come on, Max,” John barked from the kitchen. “Enough already.” I could tell he was getting annoyed.

  “He’s my ex, and Dieguito’s father.”

  He let out a sigh of relief. “No more tears,” he said. “Hector and I will find Diego and Jorge and put them away.” He kissed me again. “John will take care of you. I told the FB
I that you and Dieguito are here, so they will keep an eye on him.”

  I laughed. “Okay,” I said. “I’m all right now.”

  “I am so proud of how strong you’ve been through all of this.” He smiled. “I was going to wait until I came back, but I want you to be sure of me.” I looked at him curiously. “Take off Diego’s rings.” It was funny how I never thought to do that. I pulled them off of my finger and handed them to Max. He put me on the couch and got on one knee. I could hear Johnny in the background, “Oh my God, no way!”

  “Lilly,” He pulled a ring out of his jeans pocket. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  I started weeping uncontrollably. “Of course I will,” I answered. “I love you so much.” He put the ring on my finger. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. “Make sure you give the rings back to Diego when you find him.” I added. “Make sure he knows we’re done.”

  “That’s what I was planning on doing,” he responded. He kissed my lips and got up. “You,” he pointed to Johnny, “take care of her.” Max’s eyes were full of water and I could see how hard it was for him to leave.

  “I will guard her with my life,” John told him. “I promise, I will return her to you exactly as you left her with me.”

  Hector and Max headed for the door. Max blew me a kiss as Hector grabbed him from the back of the collar of his shirt and yanked him out the door. I felt cold and empty inside. Dieguito came running out and sat in my lap. “Can I see the ring?” he asked.

  “You knew about the ring?” I asked.

  “He showed it to me,” he said. I showed him my finger and he said, “Yay!” and started clapping. I knew in my heart it was time to tell him. Time to reveal John’s true identity in his life. I took his little hand and said, “Dieguito,” he sat down, “we need to tell you something.”


  They say confession is good for the soul